26 October 2011

The Geek in Me

It's time to go undercover again.

I have to say, growing up and becoming comfortable with the nerd you are is for suckers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of my geekiness, in the end it's what, I believe, sets me apart from other guys.  No, this move is strictly strategic in nature.

The problem is pop culture, when people use the terms geek or nerd to describe people, the images that come to mind are:

Which, unfortunately, is an accurate portrayal sometimes...

Anyway, there's a stigma with being a self-proclaimed nerd/geek, and considering my success when I kept my nerdiness hidden from all but a select few, I think it's time to try again.

It makes me a little sad.  I think the geek in me has a lot to offer.  I'm passionate about a broad range of things, which means that I usually have many things in common with girls I'm interested in.  Also I'm reasonably smart, my geekiness was channeled in such a way that causes me to want to learn... everything.

But, hey, those qualities can be expressed without necessarily admitting to the extent of my nerdom.  I goal is to suppress the nerd until people realize I'm a pretty cool guy, then slowly expose the geek when they already like me enough to accept it.  When you're up front about it people just jump to conclusions about you.  And to be honest I'm just really tired of having to constantly defend the nerdy things I'm passionate about.


jenerator said...

NOOOOO!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that people should embrace their inner geek! I did... on a blind date I was completely and utterly myself, geek and all! And guess what?? He liked me! For who I was and for the geeky part of me :) Shouldn't people love every part of you??